EFSI Wins at the 2024 AI Worldwide Finance Awards

July 1, 2024

Leading New York-based fund administrator, EFSI, is delighted to have won the ‘Best Emerging Manager Fund Administrator 2024 USA’ award at Acquisition International’s Worldwide Finance Awards.

“On behalf of EFSI, I’d like to thank Acquisition International and their readers for this award,” said EFSI Managing Partner, Anthony D. Mascia. “This latest award is testament to the hard work and dedication of the entire EFSI team and I’d also like to thank them for their continuing efforts.”

The award is EFSI’s third in the past year, following on from ‘Best Administrator – Start-up & Emerging Funds’ at the Hedgeweek US awards last year, and ‘Best Emerging Hedge Fund Administrator’ at the 2023 Wealth & Finance Awards.

“EFSI continues to grow its assets under administration across each of its core verticals, and three awards in less than a year is evidence that the broader market is taking note,” added Mascia.

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