
Welcome to EFSI’s Blog! Each month, we post something that we hope will be useful and interesting to our clients and potential clients. Follow us on LinkedIn to get notified when we post something new


Business Meeting

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Fund Administrator

Hiring a qualified and experienced fund administrator provides alternative investment fund managers with more than...
Business People

Cost-Effective Ways to Handle Accounting, Reporting, and Administrative Services

One of the keys to running any successful investment management business is to ensure the...
Business Meeting

The Benefits of Outsourcing Fund Administration

Trying to find the time to address operational inefficiencies can be next to impossible for...
Business People

Fund of Funds Administration Explained – EFSI

Fund of funds providers – or multi-manager as the term seems to be these days...
Private Equity

Top Reasons why Private Equity Firms Outsource their Fund Administration Services

Mid-market private equity firms face an increasingly competitive marketplace with more funds – and larger...
Financial Markets

Bespoke Fund Services by EFSI – Decoding Fund Management Services

Family Office Fund Administration Considerations The family office sector is increasingly looking to alternative investment...
Private Debt

Why Shadow Administration Continues To Grow In Importance

Institutional investors continue to demand more from their hedge fund managers in every facet of...