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Each month, we post something that we hope will be useful and interesting to our clients and potential clients.
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Persistent and Growing Challenges for Regulatory and Investor Reporting That Asset Managers Face Today
Given that both the breadth and depth of required regulatory reporting and investor disclosures continues...
A Difficult First Half in the Alternative Investment Industry but Green Shoots Remain
Overall, the general sentiment is becoming more positive, a welcome trend when compared to the...
Platform Models Can Be a Tailwind to Private Equity Asset Raising
Launching a new private equity fund via a platform provider isn't just about saving middle...
Roadblocks to Selling Success: Examples To Learn From
Is your communications sufficient for out-marketing the competition, or could it be a roadblock preventing...
Hedge Funds Need a Solid Second Half To Deliver Industry Asset Growth
Hedge fund redemptions in H1 2023 a setback despite generally positive performance...
Addressing Tax-Efficiency through IDFs
How can tax-sensitive investors allocate in a more “tax savvy” fashion? One alternative is to...
Will US Commercial Real Estate Really Have a Hard Landing?
An explosion of negative news has emerged in recent months, predicting defaults on billions of...
Who Will Be Telling And Selling Your Story?
If you, the fund manager, are going to be handling your own sales there is...
US PE Deal Activity Enjoys Strong Start But Is It Sustainable?
Buyout firms in the US have had a strong first quarter, but challenges lurk for...