Mitigating Investment Risk as an Emerging Fund Manager

July 9, 2024

Navigating portfolio risk is one of the most critical challenges for startup and emerging fund managers: managers overseeing less than $1 billion often struggle to provide the necessary infrastructure and risk management to satisfy institutional investors. This blog will guide you through essential steps for managing portfolio risks, drawing on insights from leading hedge fund risk management practices. It aims to offer a straightforward framework for setting up your risk processes as you grow your fund management business.

Understanding Portfolio Risks

Unlike operational risks, which stem from internal processes and systems, portfolio risks are influenced by market dynamics, liquidity conditions, and various external factors. Effectively managing these risks is crucial for achieving consistent returns and maintaining investor confidence.

A Template for Building Your Risk Management Framework

Define Your Risk Appetite

Determine the level of risk your fund is willing to accept. This should align with your investment goals and the expectations of your investors. Ensure that your risk management goals align with your overall business objectives and targets.

Designate a Risk Management Team

Assign a dedicated team or officer to oversee and implement risk management processes. Ensure each team member understands their role in the risk management process.

Develop Detailed Risk Policies

Document procedures for risk identification, assessment, and mitigation. Develop standardized processes to ensure consistency in risk management practices.

Implement Continuous Monitoring and Review

Ensure your risk management framework remains effective and relevant by conducting regular reviews. Make necessary adjustments based on market conditions and internal assessments.

Identifying and Assessing Risks

Utilizing different techniques for risk identification and assessment helps in gaining a comprehensive understanding of potential risks and their impacts. Below is an overview of some basic techniques that you can use when assessing risks.

Scenario Analysis: Test your portfolio against various market conditions to identify potential risks. This method helps in understanding the impact of different economic and market scenarios on your portfolio, allowing you to prepare for a range of outcomes.

Stress Testing: Evaluate how your portfolio would perform under extreme market scenarios. Stress testing is crucial for preparing for worst-case scenarios and understanding potential vulnerabilities within your portfolio. This proactive approach ensures you are better equipped to handle unexpected market shocks.

Quantitative Analysis: Quantitative analysis provides a data-driven approach to risk assessment, using statistical models to measure risk impact and likelihood. By leveraging sophisticated models, you can gain deeper insights into the risk dynamics of your portfolio, enabling more informed decision-making.

Identifying and addressing capacity constraints

Limited resources and personnel dedicated to risk management can hinder a fund’s ability to effectively manage portfolio risks. However, implementing the right strategic solution can help navigate these constraints while keeping their business on a growth path.

Utilize Technology Solutions

Implementing risk management software can automate many aspects of risk assessment and monitoring, significantly reducing the burden on limited personnel. Modern risk management platforms offer comprehensive analytics, real-time monitoring, and automated reporting, enabling fund managers to maintain oversight and control without extensive manual effort.

Adopt a Phased Approach

Gradually building risk management capabilities is a strategic approach for emerging funds. Starting with the most critical areas of risk management ensures that essential controls are in place from the outset. As the fund grows and additional resources become available, the risk management framework can be expanded and refined. This phased approach allows funds to manage risk effectively while scaling their operations sustainably.

Outsource Risk Management

Leveraging third-party providers who specialize in risk management is a practical solution for funds with limited in-house capabilities. Outsourcing allows funds to access expert knowledge and advanced risk management tools without the need for full-time staff. This approach ensures that risk management processes are robust and align with industry best practices.

Leverage Advisory Services

Engaging consultants and advisory services can provide tailored advice and assistance in setting up initial risk management processes. Advisors bring specialized expertise and experience, helping emerging funds establish risk frameworks that work best for them. These services can also offer ongoing support and guidance as the fund evolves, ensuring that risk management practices remain current and effective.

Navigating the markets as a professional investor requires more than just a strong investment strategy. By building a robust framework and embedding risk management into daily operations, fund managers can bolster investor confidence and foster success for the long term.


Kevin Becker is a Co-Founder and CEO of Kiski. Connect with him on LinkedIn here.

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